Using the Breadth first search (BFS) algorithm known
from the subject Combinatorics 1, we can find the shortest possible
path in a graph between two given vertices. The task is to program
this algorithm.
The input of the algorithm is a simple directed graph, which is defined
as follows in a text (.text) file:
The first line of the file contains the natural numbers \(N\), \(M\),
\(S\), \(T\) separated by spaces.
The set of vertices of the simple directed graph
\(\vec{G} = (V, \vec{E})\) is \(V = \{0, 1, 2, \ldots,
The number of edges is \(\left| \vec{E} \right| = M\).
We would like to find the shortest directed path from
the vertex \(S \in V\) to the vertex \(T \in V\) (\(S \ne
The next \(M\) lines contain "\(U_i\) \(V_i\)" pairs of
numbers. Such a pair represent the edge \((U_i, V_i) \in
\vec{E}\). An edge appears only once in the file.
If there is a path from \(S\) to \(T\), the program
lists the vertices starting with \(S\) and finished with
\(T\). If there is no path, it prints out "no path".
As a help we give a
where we provide the input function of the graph and the output function of
the path. So the search function
has to be written.
The first parameter of this funcion
is graph. This is
the edge-list representation of the graph. The edge-list is
given in a dictionary, where a list is belonging to every
vertex. The elements in the list are vertices available by
the outgoing edges. For example look at the graph of 6 vertices
and 8 edges given in the next file
The next parameter of the function
gives the first vertex \(S\) and the third
parameter to_where
gives the last vertex \(T\).
You may use
the read_path
function, which read out a path from a (not necessarily complete)
BFS-tree between
the from_where
and to_where
vertices. The BFS-tree is given in
the parent
dictionary, where the value assigned to a vertex is the number
of its parent in the tree. For example in the case of
When implementing the algorithm, it is not necessary to
split the edges into classes (forward, backward,...), and not
necessary to search in the whole graph, it is enough to find one
shortest path.
Buil-in list
like append
and pop(0) can be used to implement
a queue. (But one may try the
modul queue
in Python 3.)
Test your program on the
files graph1.text
and graph2.text
files, but also on other self-made input files!