6. Bertrand-paradox
- The Bertrand paradox (in fact not a paradox) is an example of
a seemingly simple probability variable can be achieved in a
variety of ways if its definition is not clear enough. The
Bertrand paradox goes as follows: Consider an equilateral
triangle inscribed in a circle. Suppose a chord of the circle is
chosen at random. What is the probability that the chord is
shorter than a side of the triangle?
(from Wikipedia)
Depending on the arguments, there are three possible valid
- The first assumption is to choose a random direction (by
symmetry this can be any, so even the horizontal one) and
the chord is selected from the perpendicular ones, randomly
choosing a point on the horizontal diameter of the
- The second assumption is to choose one point of the
circumference of the circle and the other endpoint of the
string is an other randomly chosen point.
- The third assumption is to choose a point from inside the
circle (evenly distributed) and through it draw a string
perpendicular to the line joining this point to center.
- All three assumptions and solutions (a bit differently
formulated) with illustrative and enjoyable animations can be
seen in a page
of MIT. (Before
reading this solution, you should think a little bit on
- Let the radius of the circle is 1, so its diameter is 2, and
mark the string length in an experiment by \(X\), i.e. \(X\) is
a probability variable with values between 0 and 2. The
task will be to write a
which simulates all three models \(N\) times, records the
lengths, and construct the three experimental cumulative
distribution functions. The experimental cumulative
distribution function at \(x\) will say that how much is
the relative frequency of the \(\{X < x\}\) event. This is a
step function. (The cumulative distribution function
is defined by \(F_X(x)=P(\{X < x\})\).) For example, if
you make three experiments, and the string lengths are 1.5, 0.4 and 1.2, then the graph of the empirimental
cumulative distribution function looks like this (the graph made
by the step function
the matplotlib.pyplot
library; do not worry about the vertical lines in the graph, and
consider the function at these places continuous from the

- The three models have to be implemented in the file available here. The output should be the graphs of the three
experimental cumulative distribution functions in a single
picture. The common domain is the interval [0,2]. Obviously
all three functions are increasing, the value at 0 is 0, at
2 is 1, and the value at \(\sqrt{3} \approx 1.732\) is approximately \(1/2\), \(2/3\) or \(3/4\) depending on the
- Implementation:
- First model: choose a random number \(r\) from the interval
\([-1,1]\), and calculate the length of the chord
perpendicular to the horizontal line at \((r,0)\) (use
functions acos
and sin from the
modul math.
- Second model: let the first point be \((1,0)\), and the
second be a random point from the line of the circle, that
is the point \( \cos \alpha, \sin \alpha\), where \(\alpha \) is a
random number from the interval \([0, 2 \pi )\).
- Third model: choose an arbitrary pont from the square
\([-1,1] \times [-1,1] \) (that is choose two random numbers from
the interval \( [-1,1]\), and make a pair from them), and check
if it is inside the circle. If not, choose an other one, and
so on. The length of the chord can be calculated similarly
to the first model.
- Drawing the
experimental cumulative distribution functions:
after simulating \(N \) experiments, sort the numbers with
the sort()
method. Write a \(0\) at the beginning of the list and a \(2\)
at the end. This list gives the points on the horizontal
axis. Above these points the step function "jumps." At each
point the value of the function is increasing by \( 1/N \). If
the length of the shortest cord is \(r\), then the value of
the function over \([0,r]\) is \(0\), so the list of function
values is \([0,0,1/N,2/N,\dots, 1]\). For drawing
the file uses the function matplotlib.pyplot.step(x,y)
where \(x\) and \(y\) are the two previously
constructed lists. A possible result for \(N = 1000\) is shown
in the following figure:

- To file to be uploaded has to be called Bertrand.py.
After completing this program, do experiments with different
values for \(N\). Finally
make your program runable from terminal. For example in the case
\(N=100\) execute the program with
python3 Bertrand.py 100
- The aim of this task is to help understanding the continuous
random variable, its cumulative distribution function and the
approximation of it from experiments. There is no essential new
topics in Python programming.