Blow-ups and the quantum spectrum of surfaces (with Szilárd Szabó)
[ preprint ]
The Heisenberg category of a category (with Clemens Koppensteiner and Timothy Logvinenko)
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Published Articles
Euler characteristics of affine ADE Nakajima quiver varieties via collapsing fibers (with Lukas Bertsch and Balázs Szendrői)
To appear in the Journal of the London Mathematical Society
[ preprint ]
On a sequence of Grothendieck groups
To appear in Homology, Homotopy and Applications
[ preprint ]
Quot schemes for Kleinian orbifolds (with Alastair Craw, Søren Gammelgaard and Balázs Szendrői) Special Issue on Enumerative and Gauge-Theoretic Invariants in honor of Lothar Göttsche, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA) 17 (2021), 099
A block model suitable for sparse graphs (with Juuso Parkkinen, Janne Sinkkonen and Samuel Kaski) MLG 2009 - 7th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs, 2009.